We process payments with Jazzcash, EasyPasa Debit Card etc… an external payments platform that allows you to process transactions with a variety of payment methods. Funds from sales on Kharedlo will be deposited into your account.
To register with Kharedlo as Seller, Or head over to Kharedlo Seller Sign Up page on Kharedlo’s website.
Kharedlo Seller Center is a platform made specifically for Kharedlo Sellers where you can receive orders and sell across Pakistan by registering your products and uploading them on Kharedlo online marketplace from where you receive the payment of your order directly in your account
Kharedlo seller account gives you access to millions of customers for your products at 0% commission rates. In addition, Kharedlo helps your business by assisting with fast and reliable shipping, professional services & secure and timely payment.
Kharedlo deducts a small percentage of commission from the payment of your orders. Each product commission depends on the type of category it falls under.
You can check how much commission will be charged on your product by going to Kharedlo University from your Kharedlo Seller Account. From there scroll down and click on “Marketplace Commission Structure” where you’ll find a whole list commission percentages on charges.
Log in to your Kharedlo Seller Center account and from the homepage, click on “Products” then select “Add Products.” Enter all details of your products and description that need to be added and enter “Submit” on the bottom of the page and your product will be uploaded!
Lahore, Islamabad
+92 322 5555766
NTN Number 8874349
Lahore, Islamabad
+92 322 5555766
Become A Seller Apply Now
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Note: Don't Click to any button or don't do any action during account Deletion, it may takes some times.
Deleting Account Means:
If you create any classified ptoducts, after deleting your account, those products will no longer in our system
After deleting your account, wallet balance will no longer in our system